Terry Caffey: A Crime of Passion
Charles Dudrey: Addicted to Crime 
Here are testimonies of people who have experienced a murder and have found healing and forgiveness in Jesus Christ.
Let's get your healing started Right Now. Pray:

"Jesus, I need You. I am ready to surrender my entire life to You in exchange for the New Life You have for me. I don't know what that means but it has to be better than the Life I am living now. I give You my past, present and future. I am renouncing any other way to salvation. I renounce any other gods I worshipped and I am renouncing my way of doing things. I am accepting Your invitation to be Born Again, to have my name written in the Lamb's Book of Life. I want everything You Have for me. Deliver me from any addictions, strongholds, fears, shame and anything else that is not of you. Baptize me now in Your Love and with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and Fire. You will lead me from this day on. I am Yours. Amen."

If you just prayed this prayer email us: [email protected]

Luana Stoltenberg: Forgiveness for Abortion